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Unity3d插件Final IK反向动力控制插件脚本动作人体骨骼动作方案
- 无参数
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Requires Unity 5.1.1 or higher - 需要使用Unity 5.1.1以上的版本!
The final Inverse Kinematics solution for the game developer.
Update (1.0):
After a 1.5 year Beta period and more than 1K licensees it is safe to say Final IK is a battle-tested tool. Welcome to the 1.0 full version of Final IK!
Added 2D toggle to CCD, AimIK and FABRIK.
Added Finger Rig, a tool that automates setting up IK for fingers.
VR demos are now included in the main package and updated to Unity 5.1.
Revisited and updated all the 46 demo scenes.
Many smaller fixes and improvements, see the Release Notes for the full list.
Created a Google Group for better support.
What can I do with Final IK@
Take a look at over 30 (and counting)demo videos on YouTube
What does it contain@
Full Body Biped IK
Biped IK
Multi-effector FABRIK
Look-At IK
Aim IK
Limb IK
Rotation Limits
Interaction System
+ 46 Demo scenes and example scripts for all components
How does it perform@
Technical Overview
- Does NOT require Unity Pro
- Does NOT require, but works with Mecanim
- Tested on Standalone, Web Player, IOS and Android
- Source code included
- Custom undoable inspectors and scene view handles for each component
- Warning system to safeguard from null references and invalid setups
- Optimized for great performance
- Modular, easily extendable. Compose your own custom character rigs
- HTML documentation, fully commented code
- Tested on a wide range of characters
What are your plans for the future@
Continue improving Final IK, it's documentation and add more features. I will be concentrating mostly on developing the Full Body IK part of the package, based on Your feedback and practical use cases.
Anything else I should know before buying@
Make sure to read the Online User Manual about the components that interest you the most.